Court proceedings are not always the most appropriate tool for resolving disputes given the high cost and long periods of time they last. The need for efficient problem solving is crucial for business development.
Why arbitration? Arbitration is a special procedure for alternative dispute resolution which concludes with a decision, which being an act of authority is enforceable. One of the most important roles of arbitration is to resolve the dispute quickly and efficiently.
Arbitration may be agreed as an arbitration clause included in a contract, as well as by virtue of a special agreement concluded between the parties. The parties may choose to switch from mediation to arbitration or vice versa /arb-med, med-arb/. Arbitration is a reasonable solution to resolve disputes, having in mind modern business requires quick, confidential and efficient ways in order this to be achieved. Arbitration further guarantees fair proceedings and protection of the rights of both parties, and gives special consideration to the principles of equality and freedom of action.